What are the eight habits of highly effective people?

1: Take Charge. By this I mean taking responsibility for your own life and refusing to blame other people or events for your issues. In addition, making decisions based on beliefs and goals instead of your moods or impulses will allow for more stability in how and what decisions are made 

2: When setting goals for yourself, always begin with an end in mind. Knowing precisely what it is you want out of life and setting an achievable plan should reflect this goal; similarly, actions should reflect what’s best for you rather than being dictated to by others. 

3: First take care to address what’s most pressing. That means prioritizing your jobs and activities based on how important and urgent they are rather than how convenient or comfortable they might be, not how quickly or conveniently they can be completed. Also consider making full use of your time and energy by not spending it on distractions or postponing commitments. 

4: Think about how everyone can win, this means always working towards helping other people and not trying to take advantage of others for your own gain. Also, treating both yourself and others with kindness; not being self-serving or insecure are also keys components. 

5: Focus on understanding before seeking to be understood. This means listening carefully and listening without presuming to know what other people need or feel before providing your viewpoint or needs. Furthermore, speaking clearly and politely instead of being unclear or rude are also ways of creating good rapport with those you interact with. 

6: Work together. Working together means not competing against or isolating yourself from others, but cooperating to accomplish more together than you could alone. Working together also means appreciating differences and innovation instead of fearing or being intolerant toward them. 

7: Maintain a Sharp Saw This means taking care to address your physical, mental, social, and spiritual wellbeing in an all-round fashion without neglecting any aspect of it. Furthermore, this means being free from stress or boredom by finding balance and joy in life. 

8: Find Your Voice and Help Others Do the Same This means discovering and using your unique skills and interests to make the world a better place, while equipping others to do so by acting as role model, mentor, teacher or leader.